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We Card eNews

In a recent FDA announcement, it has asked citizens to report "potential" retailer violations of the underage sales laws, advertising restrictions, and other requirements that FDA set forth in 2010.
Learn from the mistakes of others before it's too late! I've spent some time reading through the 5,500+ violation notices posted at and found some interesting things about what folks are doing wrong when it comes to passing an FDA compliance check.
According to We Card's Best Practices survey -- which now totals more than 1,000 completed surveys -- one in four retailers don't cover new Federal requirements in their training. That's a big number. Furthermore, the Federal government believes it's important for you to have a written company policy against sales to minors. So does We Card. And we can help.
Are Good Managers Made or Born? 3 Tips to Better Managers Good managers are made, not born.  Scene from We Card Manager Training Course Have your store managers been trained to effectively manage their employees?
The We Card Program examined the learning styles of frontline employees who have taken We Card training. According to the Journal of Engineering Education, learning styles have been described as "relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment." Because learning styles can also be described as preferences, you can look at them as a description of how learners would choose to receive instruction if given the option.
7 steps to take right now. Before FDA regulations took effect, it was enough to prevent an underage tobacco sale. The thinking was, "is this customer old enough to buy tobacco?" ruled the day. That way of thinking falls short now. Retailers are receiving warning letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for selling tobacco to a minor AND for not carding someone who is under 27. That's two violations, not one.
Retailers are receiving violation letters Retailers in Mississippi were the first to receive Warning Letters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after selling tobacco to a minor. Retailers were also cited for failing to check the ID of a tobacco customer under 27 years old. 
The FDA says it's looking to retailers to help enforce the sweeping tobacco regulations that took effect June 22. "We understand the retailers really are on the front lines and are the key piece to making this a success," said Kathleen Quinn, the acting director of communications for the Center for Tobacco Products at the FDA. "Our approach is they are our partners and we want to equip them with the tools they need."
Electronic age verification devices take the math out of checking ID. Just swipe the customer's driver's license and the machine does the rest. Sounds simple. We Card calendars take the math out checking ID too. For every day of the month, the calendar provides the birth date required for a legal tobacco sale. In other words, if it's Dec. 19, 2009 and the legal age for buying tobacco is 18, then the customer must have a birth date of Dec. 19, 1991 -- or earlier.
Top 4 Reasons For Compliance Failure Just about everyone who works behind the counter in a convenience store or a grocery store knows by now that it's against the law to sell tobacco to minors. So why do retailers still fail compliance checks?


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